These are still an easy money maker, despite repeated complaints of people's undercutting. The sheer speed that these bolts sell make for quick profits en masse, especially for Woodworking crafters in the HQ3 tier (level 67 on these bolts). Many people realize this, and that is why the market for these bolts is so competitive, and the prices are low.
All one can do is either match the competition by keeping a keen eye on the number of stacks available on the AH and price accordingly, or simply get out of this craft. It's that simple.
One way to get an edge on the bolt market is to have high level alchemy(80+) with a smithing sub(12+) on one of your "mule" characters. Being able to not only HQ the boltheads, but also save extra gil on even the NQ synths, really makes the over-all profit on the bolts that much higher. Alchemists can also save by HQing the materials for the bolthead synthesis.
Profitable crafting all comes down to how far back on the chain you can go, starting with base materials, when deciding what to synth and if its worth it or not.
yes there great for maken money but rmts r maken all the bolts so fast and roben gill from all of us like ccxxe look up all the accounts that r ccxxe ccxxd all rmt related never buys anything out the auction house straight up rmt and no one does anything about the ah abuse its *** and one of the reson i dont bother to craft anymore its a feww ppl who have limited money trying to compete with rmts who have endless money ya alot of fun