Like all La Vaule (S) NM Level 69 Weapons, you'll need the Supremacy Earring to get the full "Set:" effect. The earring drops from the BCNM that is granted access if you defeat all 8 NMs in La Vaule and trade the 100% StrongBox items in to a NPC Named Lurouillat in Southern San d'Oria (S).
Those items also benefit San d'Oria in Campaign. Look up the quest called "Sealed Containers."
With all my jump TP gear and /sam I'm able to get 27tp per jump with this lance. If I'm lucky enough for Double attack to proc. thats 54tp in one jump.
I dont have the earring yet but even without it I am very pleased with the performance of this Polearm.
Adds 5 TP to successful jumps.
Also grants TP to Jumps that hit for 0.
If Double Attack activates while using either jump/high jump, only the first Attack will receive the TP bonus. For example, if your regular attack grant 13 TP, a Jump with skystrider equipped double attack will only grant 31 TP instead of 36 TP. This rule applies for all Jump TP bonus equipments.
"Set" Bonus
Gives STR +6, Attack +6, Ranged Attack +6, and Magic Attack Bonus +2 when both weapon and Supremacy Earring are equipped
Dropped from Draketrader Zlodgodd in La Vaule[S], please read up on this NM before attempting to defeat it, or else you will be in for an unpleasent surprise.