Drops from Mother Globe in Sky. Decently rare drop but the nm is killed extremely often because it also drop Springstone, used to summon Seiryu.
As a 75 NIN myself, i volunteer to go sky farming for Springstone because this weapon is pretty good for tanking, then when you lose hate always can switch to a higher dmg weapon although this deals above average.
Fools below me must be joking. There is virtually no reason to ever use this katana over even a Fudo. Sacrificing a % of damage dealt for evasion +3 yeah ok have fun with that.
@Averel It kinda depends what your tanking, neither of you are wrong, Neo is correct in the fact that theres a little extra eva in a slot where there wouldn't otherwise be (although nowadays the moogle weapons are far superior with over 20 evasion each hand including the AGI+).
Averel yes Hades Sainti are great for emnity but there is no set ultimate weapon.
A great quality of ninja is it versatility within itself, as with the majority of gear within FFXI, it's all situational and subject to personal taste.