As far as PLD goes, if you have Atonement, you're better off with Joyeuse period. If you don't have joy, the -55 hp hit on this is a bit much for tanking anything beyond exp mobs. Otherwise, if you want to up your ws damage (Vorpal Blade in particular,) this sword is the way to go.
Started dual-wielding this with joyeuse on pld/nin in situations that don't involve any serious tanking. Very impressive Vorpal Blades with +str gear macroed in.
wiki doesnt say that the critical hit rate + only affects organics so im wondering does the rule still apply? If not this seems insanely good for off hand rampage.
If you don't have/can't get Excalibur or don't have Joyeuse this sword is great for dealing some damage. I like it for my Pld when not major tanking, seeing as I'm a Taru I need that 55 HP.
You know, it's a relatively old piece, but still kicks *** for damage dealing. It's still better than STR path magian sword because of the +crit. Add in perle hauberk and crit merits and Oh baby! Also, better than Axes for the mainhand when dualwielding currently. Even Guichard's axe has a hard time standing up to it on WS, though you could just offhand Guichard's. It's just that Vorpal Blade has twice the damage modifier of Rampage, so a full Vorpal Blade can be radically more powerful than Rampage. It's a bit evened out though, because Warrior has so much more skill with Axes and Axes have higher base damage. With merits however, I've been leaning towards mainhanding this when dualwielding.