Perfect Staff for Bard when casting Elegy which turns into a great pulling weapon since you take less damage aswell, Also good for Pld and Nin on Kirin or mobs that you know you will be taking hits
Hidden Effect
+15% increase to Earth Element Magic Spells
-15% decrease to Lightning Element Magic Spells
-3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Titan and Earth Spirit
+3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Ramuh and Thunder Spirit
For kiting on PLD or NIN an earth staff would do just as well as this. The HQ doesn't have any added damage mitigation. The only difference is 1 more VIT and that's not worth the extra 450k or so (depending on the server). Though don't get me wrong, it's still great for earth based nukes, Titan, elegy, and all those other things.
I believe these are dropping in price because of Magian Trials. SMN can get -5 avatar perpetuation cost from Magian Trials' staff branch which is better than the -3 avatar perpetuation cost from the HQ elemental staves. Alot of work though ;) (So is gil grinding)
Please dont use this for casting SS, it really doesnt increase it and every time you do it a kitten is drowned. It is only handy to increase your chances of it being cast and not interrupted. Only job that should be doing this is RDM due to their enhancing skill making it far easier to hit the SS cap on a MND build.
This adds +30macc, not +15%. Alky will add +25~+30macc depending on mnd/chr vs mob's (if you have high mnd/chr, you'll get 25macc). However alky will add to slow potency (but not elegy's), while this will not.