Auster's Staff is one of the first staves rdm should upgrade from NQ. It gives higher magic accuracy for wind based spells enfeebling and elemental alike. Gravity and silence are spells that you have to land right away when necessary and the 15% can really help you stick it.
The use of this staff is not limited to rdm, but blm can find it useful after upgrading the big 3: dark, thunder, and ice. It's also great for nuking on the Maat fight for rdm.
To Kaelya: It's common knowledge that it does in fact affect magic accuracy.
Common Knowledge #1:
In depth testing:;mid=114853354876329973;num=23;page=1
Common Knowledge #2:;mid=1197354093211094714;num=30;page=1
Many of these posts are by people who have been on these forums for a long time and have had extensive experience with the game. Please stop
Along with Pluto's Staff this should be high on a SMN priority list when planning to upgrade your staves. Fenrir & Garuda are used alot by people and the extra -1 perpetuation cost helps considerably.
* +15% increase to Wind Element Magic Spells
* -15% decrease to Earth Element Magic Spells
* -3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Garuda and Air Spirit
* +3 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Titan and Earth Spirit
This is the second most useful HQ staff for any Corsair looking to maximize Quick Draw, just after Apollo's Staff. Most targets are not resistant to wind damage and the AGI+5 makes this staff that much better than any other option.
Soloing pudding as BLM trying to get Gravity to stick with Wind staff ok but not great. Switching to this staff gravity sticks on them all most every time. Highly recommended to get for BLM/RDM and the 15% boost on Tornado II doesn't suck either. =)
Best Quick Draw staff, due to the 5 AGI, paired with the fact all QDs have the same damage calculations (unlike BLM where Thunder is strongest). This is on element-neutral mobs, mind you, it's still better to exploit an eventual elemental weakness.