Wind has been tested to show more accurate sleeps than string, making this the best AH friendly instrument, although nursemaid still takes the cake for aoe range.
you will land sleep more easily with this due to it being wind instead of string, can still use string for wider horde lullaby range if you find it necessary
As most can see, the price of the horn has not dropped too bad, simply because of the nature of the NM that drops the level 70 lullaby horn. The NM that drops the other horn is a level 80+ NM and has a horrid drop rate (personally I went 1/22 and know someone else who is 1/11).
This horn is still very much useful for 16 (foe lullaby level) all the way to 70 at least, but can easily last til 75.
Today I was going into Castle Oztroja for my BRD AF Legs, Lv 52 BRD, and I aggroed 2 Tough Yags.
Equipped Mary's horn, used Horde Lullaby and logged out right before they woke up. It's a life saver.