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Racine » Weapons » Instruments
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Stock 1
Taux Tr (0.041 Vendu/Jour)
M 10,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 10,000
Mini 5,000
Moyenne 9,500
Dernier 10,000
Historique des prix
12 Days Ago10,000
2 Months Ago10,000
2 Months Ago10,000
6 Months Ago10,000
GilPrice History5/99/2911/182/296/190k10k2.5k5k7.5k12.5kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Dec. 25, 2024MagmarDalkiel10,000
Nov. 18, 2024WwatDoodlehammer10,000
Nov. 3, 2024KristallTektitic10,000
Jul. 9, 2024BougainvilleaHoosierdaddy10,000
Jun. 19, 2024MogedaApologetics10,000
Jun. 16, 2024JedmasterLimonon10,000
Apr. 26, 2024HedayamDoomcakedoom10,000
Mar. 30, 2024SavagepandaMenaiya10,000
Mar. 14, 2024TakeminakataGanbit10,000
Feb. 29, 2024CalusariLilca10,000
Commentaires (1)
Ragnarok.Alaron[Report] Score: 21
Quest: Lovers in the Dusk
Lots of Pre-requisite quests, most likely the time to do them is more than the cost of the flute, that would eventually get replaced. That being said, personal opinion, one of the best story lines I have seen in the game, worth it for that alone, regardless of the flute.
2009-04-26 21:41:18
Screenshots (1)