When you already have all those gears you mentioned, or even better stuff like Vivian Ring and Serket. And you still have room for improvement, you'll go for it. And you'll pay 700k for this [Ammo]. There is a marginal price for improving and each time it'll be more expensive.
and Leey GTFO this item is hard to get. I don't see ppl bitching over Hagun's price. If you've ever done ENM you would know how hard is to get good stuff to drop.
A great piece for an Enmity- build. Considering the lack of Enmity- gear for ammo slots, the price for this is quite reasonable. The only thing that trumps it is a White Tathlum, which pushes 2mil. Not worth it? Your choice.
awesome piece of gear for my smn and better for my drg/blu, that plus 30 MP is 5 more healing breaths for soloing or healing allies. Truly a worth while piece to get, try to get it from the enm thats how i got mine.
Ezzi, lots of gear will seem like that, ether ring, vivian's, astral rings/earring all offer 25-30mp, but ignore it and it adds up, say you neglect 5 or so pieces for only having 30mp, well you've just turned down 150mp right there.
Leey is a idiot not much you can do about him. This ENM is fairly tough to get people for though and price is down from over a mil. Great addition to any mage