A very powerful bow for Ranger. Drops from Black/White Coney at Uleguerand Range. Its low level requirement(60) allows rangers to use it in level capped battlefields like CoP missions, BCNM's etc.
- Range Accuracy increase toward Full moon.
- Range Attack increase toward New moon.
It is arguably the 3rd best bow for ranger.
#1 Yoichinoyumi (Relic)(Impossible to gauge!)
cost: 100M gil / 1-3years
> Eurytos' Bow(Vali's Bow) (50less delay than Selene's bow, more stable damage/ range accuracy)
cost: 4M gil / 1-8weeks of camping.
> [New Augment Bow]/Selene's Bow
cost: 100 gil of carrot / 30minute battle fight.
{Do you know who said the following?}
O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
Went 1/12 on this yesterday, duo'd with a thf and me on rng, just spammed sleep bolts and ws'd, took around 5mins to kill and rabbit was basically asleep the whole fight, easy.
Me and a friend duo'd this last night, i finally got it after being 0/40... terrible drop rate but worth the work if you wanna save ~4mil vs. Ebow. I was 75Rdm/whm and he was Pld/nin, very easy fight!