What amounts to the "relic" of the fishing world, this rod cannot be broken. Recieved through the Indomitable Spirit quest by trading an Opal Silk and a Saber Shoot to Irmilant in Rabao. The two key items are hard to come by, as they are gotten at about a .5% rate from the Inside the Belly quest trading in Lik and Gugrusaurus, two fish that I would highly suggest being Fishing 100 to hook and catch with "ease". This can take a lot of time and patience, as people have recorded having to go almost a full year trying to get the key items.
Not for the faint of heart...
Just to correct a previous post... the Lu Shang's quest is NOT a prerequisite for this quest. I have the Ebisu although I have not turned in 10,000 carp to get a Lu Shang's.
FFXIAH team should list this as a "relic" since it is very time consuming as a mythic/relic. I mean come on, if emps are "relics" then an Earth Crystal is.