Incase anyone wanted to know. Peiste Pellets drop off Quadavs within Beadauex {S} Past the Door that requires the Quadav Charm
Sorry i didn't mention this before, but it only seems to drop from the Meteor and Chatoyant Quadavs.
---The NM who drops the Cape though (Spawned from the Pellets that come from the Quadav) is a Pretty Straightforward fight and can be defeated by a good group of people who have experience with Peiste killing. Uses Poison on itself for "Very potent Regen".
it's 1mp/tick , some ppl think this is worthless pice cus of the high price of poison potion , Elshimo Pachira Fruit ftw! 1848 gil for stack from npc and 24 min's with an extra 1mp/tick!
If your using a Mindmelter staff now, this is an incredible piece to use, as you need poison on anyway, might as well give you a further reason to use it.