on an interesting side note, can be worn by a PLD when tanking suzaku. the intimidation effect proc'ed several times when I accidentaly grabbed hate as a SAM.
This is a pretty good earring to use for melees who aren't at the point where they can acquire a Brutal Earring. Use this along with an Assault Earring until you can eventually swap it out.
Just my personal opinion:
with Bard: Minuet/Brutal?
without Bard: Fowling/Brutal?
If you can get them:
For Tarutaru: Waetoto\'s
For everyone else: Triumph+1
not to say that +3 accuracy should be overlooked though, but if you have the gear you can probably get another earring, I like Waetoto/Minuet for WS\'s. Since I am not ready for Brutal earring.
on phoenix rmt bought them and price was 30k... after 2 days price go up to 250k ... and i think nobdy saw it but always the same guys selling alway the same guys buying ... there is 2 other guys doin g the same thing and they doing this with utsusemi: NI peacock charm and alot of thing .. poor us! why rmt cant find a real job like us?