For TP on one-hander jobs, there's only a few options better than this ringset: 2x Toreador's(Sniper's +1, etc...), and Ulthalum/Divisor Ring. The former provides 2 additional ACC and some HP, no attack or def and costs ~6m. The latter provides 3 more ATK, but involves a R/EX drop from assault (and also that you chose Ulthalam from ToAU).
On balance, for a quick and easy timed-spawn NM with a small spawn radius, this ringset is pretty amazing, both in terms of stats and difficulty to obtain.
Even with Rajas, these should outparse it.
The tiny bit of STP from it won't do much, but the accuracy and attack far outparses the standard 'Ulthalam's/Rajas.'
At the very least, it's better for TP, and if you can cap accuracy for Asuran Fists with these rings, probably better than anything else you'd be using for it.
Additions to your elemental build, Defense for you're tanking setup, retarded amount of accuracy, and a nice attack. I'm loving my BLU now. 1/4 and 1/5 on the rings, good luck to all campers.