@Lithical While i'll agree it's not worth 3-5m it's not completely obselete, I haven't checked the other jobs but it is still the only leg piece rdm can get with haste.
AF3+1 legs for RDM will always be equal or better depending on mob INT, this ***is obsolete now so you bazaar listings can stop trying to rip people off. If you pay 3-5m for this at this point in the game, you deserve to be ripped off.
@Tidis, Tatsumaki Sitagoromo if you haven't used them for something else. I have the Haste +3 and Cure Potency +5% augments. -- Also, looking to buy these still. Don't want the ZNM red pants to go with my Pluviale. Looking for the legs to match the bod. ._. <3