Good Piece for Macroing in for Steel Cyclone if your a Warrior, only job i can see that would wear these full time in Rng, Anyway Good Piece for WS! :P
Pop item is easy to get, drop is NOT 100%, infact it can take a bit to get the drop, not that Ive seen any problem, but rumors abound of long nights with no drops. This is however a great addition to any DRGs equipment.
Apparantly Dr. Havik is gonna have to choke some nabs >.>;
Saying any amount of Slow won't hurt you is just CWAZY, that's like saying I should melee in full Hecatomb set because it gives 36 Str and 10 acc. "Oh but it's only 43% Slow. The Bard and Rdm Haste will make up for that." But what do we know, We've only been playing for 7 years. -.-