A natural upgrade from the Lv.39 Fuma/Sarutobi piece, but not necessarily a required one. They give the same 3% haste bonus, however this piece grants extra AGI, HP, and DEF. Ninjas will easily benefit from the upgrade the most.
Furthermore, due to the lovely droprate from the Copycat KSNM, this piece is usually in large supply at a lower cost than it's Lv.39 counterpart. If you've purchased the Fumas, you can make money by upgrading; if you farmed the r/ex version, it's a personal choice for whether or not to replace them.~
Looks like RMT are back to their old tricks again after buying out low priced items since the update. Careful not to pay these rmt-controlled-over-inflated-prices.
bought these for 300k now they are down to 25k good news is if they keep dropping in price I'll just go augment em.. Reason all the prices are dropping on all this gear is not from RMT its because they released better set gear and people are scrammbling to make gil off their gear and its dropping the prices I think SQENIX had this though...
- There have been characters who may be involved in RMT raising the prices at auction houses. Aren't you going to deal with them?
If a character using the auction house is confirmed to be involved in RMT, the account will be swiftly dealt with. However, just as mentioned above in regards to suspicious groups leveling up, raising the prices of items at an auction house is not a violation of the user agreement and, as such, we have no plans to take any action against such players.