Larzz, that makes sense if you have full mp by the time you WS, but if you do, you're probably doing something wrong already.
Aside from absorb-TP, you would be advised to use absorb-STR and/or absorb-MND before WSing to make your guillotine more effective.
There is an argument against this on birds, considering their magic reflect, but taking this into account, you won't be needing +30mp if you don't cast. (DRK+WHM 75 btw.)
Very good TP Piece, highest Haste ingame on a headpiece, just remember to swap in something else for WS because it doesnt Benefit WS in any kind of way(NO WAIT, Plus 3 damage per hit with Souleater on for you DRKs >.>)
@ Bloodlust: Who says you can't use your STR equipment? Just macro in your STR head when using a WS. A couple points of STR is not going to increase your TP gain or your DoT as much as 5% Haste would.
@Quetzacoatl.Itikuo: Askar should only be used in Rune Chopper builds or if you're somehow otherwise getting 26% Haste with it. SAM is a WS job, not a melee DPS job. Using Askar over this is slowing your TP gain rate. You're hurting your damage, not helping it.
@Sylph.Penance: Haste+% does not reduce casting times for spells, only recast timers. Fast Cast is the only way you can dock cast time for Ninjutsu.
Quite possibly the best over-all Stp piece (headslot counted ofc) just because of the 2 simple facts. 1). the mofo is free cant beat a free 5% haste since you swing 5% faster, AND it reduces spell cast times etc. for DD/Nin. 2). is just because of the simple fact its for all jobs. due note however it has no def stats on it (which is irrelevent to me as a DD)