Coming from a ranger, I personally enjoyed using these gloves. While the AF offers Shadowbind bonus along with some DEX, they do not offer any ranged perks. As far as I can tell, the Slow effect does nothing to RAtt speed (same with Haste). I would recommend these to any Ranger who wants to go above the standard.
/equip Hands
/ma "Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni" <me>
/wait 6, less w/ni
/equip Hands "Deadeye Gloves"
that 5% is gonna add to your recast so take that into consideration with these.
Standard for Corsair (until Joyeuse)
Since you spend most of your time doing Phantom Rolls (Job Abilities) and Ranged Attacks the Slow+5% doesn't affect your performance at all.
i really didnt use these much for cor honestly. I skilled up marksmanship in them, then switched to sword or dagger and TPd in jaridah hands then ws in Mage's cuffs for the extra agi.