The most evasion you'll find on an AH earring without drawbacks or special conditions. A worth while investment for a NIN or THF evasion build. The extra 1 defense is menial but hey, every little bit helps! ;P
@ loose this is not worse than the evasion earring lvl 35 as this has 1 def and +2 more evasion. I think most people will agree that is work only 25k more to get those bonuses when were already spending over 200k either way.
actually that statement is incorrect evasion earring is the the most evasion you'll find on an ah earring as +3 skill is much better than +5 evasion and on bahamut it is almost the same price atm
Obviously currently being RMT'd on Asura, 170k sales, then drop to 90k to random people (who are all buying the EXACT same things on the server). Dont sell for 90k, you will just be assisting them.
Currently deflated by rmt to half the normal price and now they're buying up stock, these people are doing elusive earring, brown belt, scouters belt, flame ring, snipers ring, and maneater. brought brown belt from 400k to 100k and so far 3 people got jacked from it.