As a high Veteran Goldsmither, I can tell you that we make these at cost or less to lvl our goldsmithing, these are not a money maker. If you want to calculate cost, figure out how much 1 fire crystal, 1 earth crystal, 1 wind crystal, 2 Orichalcum Ingots, and 1 elemental ore costs. You will soon see that the price of these are driven by the costs of the orichalcum (miners/ect) and elemental ores (gardeners/ect).
Yea what Tulnig said, you can easily look at the recipe list under the comments to see just how much gil is made or lost per synth. On Diabolos, goldsmithers lose 45k each synth on these babies, ouch! And that is not including breaks cuz there is no HQ,