You're correct that it's only 2%, and also that it's not necessary for exp parties, but I think your comment gives the wrong idea. For endgame, any amount of enmity+ is necessary when tanking, and this piece gives the most besides sattva and hercules, and of those 2, most PLDs only have herc, and NIN's can't even use that. This is a great alternative.
this is a great piece of macro gear. if your tanking or want extra strong SATA. just macro it in for one second, do your thing Voke WS SATA flash... what ever. the best part of it all is as its not a visible bit of gear, you don't flash/blink in and out of the game. so no one even knows but the results are clear... hate and lots of it.
Bsphilar - considering the time it takes to obtain this ring, and the fact that unless you are a PLD with both sattva and hercules, there's no better ring to macro in for voke, cure IV, flash, sentinel, rampart, or shield bash, AND if you are a NIN/DRK, there's no better ring besides sattva period (and there's 2 ring slots) for souleater, weapon bash, last resort, and all your hate spells, how is this ring not worth it?
Basically, unless you are a PLD who picked Sattva, this ring is the best gearswap you can make in one of your ring slots if you are tanking something on ANY job.
This is the best enmity ring outside Hercules and Sattva Ring. The big thing is, only PLD/WAR can equip Hercules, and if you picked Rajas/Tamas, you don't have a Sattva.
That said, the pricetag on this is more than justified. The quest to obtain this item is very difficult, and involves farming four items (three have a 1% drop rate and the last is a NM drop). Even then, after farming, you only have a 50% chance of obtaining the ring. I went 1/3 and spent well over 20 hours farming.