ridiculous drop rate. 0/36 so far. On top of that it requires x12 imperial wootz ingots (about 15mil on my server) and 10 imperial gold coins (about 100k on my server).
To upgrade usukane haramaki, you also need the 25 peice from the zhaylom Mega boss Chariot and the 15 peice is 100% drop when you use a bhaflau card in ARRAPAGO remnants to pop a princess pudding which suprisingly hits prety damn hard and is a medium to tough challenge.
After you done all that and acquired all that gil finally, you have to get this peice. Citadel Chelonian is not easy to pop for casual/rookie salvage players and on top of that the drop rate seems to be about 3% (what wiki also says). 0/36 with Treasure Hunter 4 and I went 36 days in a row, sometimes 2x a day.
Good luck, you are gonna need it. It will be all worth it in the end...... *** Silver sea remnants to hell.