Drakhon, you would take this if you won the rank 1 prize on a mule. Relic weapons can't be transferred from one character to another, but currency can.
I find it funny that you can get this from Mog Bonnaza prize in 2011 or chose a completed relic weapon. Even if you're on this stage of the relic why choose this over a finished relic or even the 100M gil? Just take the damn weapon and work for this that way you have 2
@ Drak the completed relic from the bonanza are unugradeable via trials so it would make more sense chose this if your wanting to take your relic to 99
Lol Ranperre Goldpiece x3 do you need it and not that hard if u have 3 character on same day after one and one with people getting 100s! only take a month to get 2 atleast