If you as a RNG are going to invest the time and energy to get the wyrmal abjuration then why not go all the way and save up the money to get the cursed finger gauntlets -1. I'd think that if you were going for the crimson finger gauntlets you'd be selling yourself short because you're obviously wanting to make your RNG as good as you can, so why not get these. This also applies for any other job getting any abjurations. Go for the best if you're gonna do it at all.
The best precast/preshot hands for RNG or COR, not the best TP hands. Marksmanship skill is completely irrelevant since you will be swapping these out for something else when the shot lands.
Crafted my own since I'm a career alchemist, and augmented it for skillups. And with what seems to be a pattern for me, on my second to last tatter, I ended up with Snapshot+3, Emnity-4 and Marksmanship skill+6. Between this and a Navarch's Choker, I should be set for my Wildfire COR, and can macro in my Stoicheion for Wildfire brewing.