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Stock 0
Taux Tr (0.047 Vendu/Jour)
M 1,000,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 5,000,000
Mini 700,000
Moyenne 1,087,980
Dernier 1,000,000
Historique des prix
5 Months Ago1,000,000
5 Months Ago1,000,000
5 Months Ago1,000,000
6 Months Ago1,000,000
GilPrice History9/231/73/26/238/250M1M2M3M4M5M6MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Oct. 24, 2024KenvicGoobies1,000,000
Oct. 11, 2024SlashrKenvic1,000,000
Sep. 29, 2024SlashrAttixx1,000,000
Sep. 21, 2024SlashrSuirauqa1,000,000
Aug. 25, 2024SlashrElereine1,000,000
Aug. 3, 2024MendorodoAthletics1,000,000
Jul. 7, 2024AriseplzTonefourn1,000,000
Jun. 23, 2024RhinnZonpaxyz1,000,000
Jun. 23, 2024JiangjiuqingZonpaxyz1,000,000
Jun. 23, 2024KryshaaZonpaxyz1,000,000
Commentaires (15)
Ramuh.Eternallypure[Report] Score: 135
Why is this a Coat but the NQ is a Tunic? >_>
2008-08-25 04:32:29
null.null[Report] Score: 83
Easily 2% better than the Noble's Tunic. The Added cure helps for mp management. Great piece for those who want the best of the best.
2008-05-08 15:56:20
Quetzalcoatl.Evilbau[Report] Score: 54
Since curing is the White Mage's primary duty, gear to increase potency will always be the top priority. Ignore the cries of 'only 2%!' because the reality is that it is a 20% increase over NQ
2009-05-09 20:30:08
Leviathan.Pipps[Report] Score: 0
Until you get the AF3 body with Afflatus Solace buff for single target healing this is one of the best healing coats. Let's say you're a level 75 WHM and you have a total of 50 MND, 30 VIT, 300 Healing Skill, and 25% Cure Potency. 10% Cure Potency from the NQ will boost your Cure V by an additional 65 HP healed, while 12% Cure Potency will boost your Cure V by an additional 78 HP healed. That's 13 extra HP healed than from the NQ. It may not sound like much, but to do the same amount of extra healing you'd need to get either another 23 Healing Skill or another 46 MND. It's also quite nice for aoe heals since Afflatus Solace only affects single targets using single target cures.
2012-07-23 19:45:09
Bismarck.Kyaaadaa Montrer Score: -10
good for WHM >.>b
2010-11-30 13:34:11
Leviathan.Cymmina Montrer Score: -14
As of Sept 8, 2010 update, WHM can easily cap out on cure potency without this piece. It will likely become even less necessary when the level 99 cap comes around.

10% Orison Cap +2
20% Surya's Staff +1 (20%)
12% Aristocrat's Coat
3% Fylgja Torque +1 or Orison Cape
5% Roundel Earring
50% with big MND slots like rings free

10% Orison Cap +2
20% Surya's Staff +1 (20%)
10% Noble's Tunic
10% Medicine Ring or Serpentes Set
50% a lot cheaper

Roundel Earring (5%) and ASA legs (5%) could also replace the Medicine Ring, but Orison Pantaloons +1 are a better option for the leg slot if you can get them.
2010-09-26 19:12:13
Alexander.Orenwald Montrer Score: -15
All I have to say to people about paying "too much" for HQ gear like this... pay more for NQ and the crafters won't have to sell the HQ so high. That's right, Economics. eat it.
2010-03-21 00:36:32
Carbuncle.Magistrella Montrer Score: -17
New max. Cure potency + as of March 22th 2010 outside of Salvage or Besieged:

Teiwaz Augment: 15%
Aristocrats: 12%
Fylgja Torque +1: 3%
Selenian Cap Augment: 3%
Tatsumaki Sitagomoro Augment: 5%
Roundel Earring: 5%
Medicine Ring: 10%

Total: 53%

If you dualwield a Dweomer Maul with 6% its 54% - with activated Healing Feather 69%

Added Percentages with weather/day thanks to Korin Obi.

Greetz Magi ('-')/
2010-04-22 14:36:04
Seraph.Goldey Montrer Score: -18
Serra you forgot Medicine Ring! Can be +40% Cure Potency. :o
2009-09-04 20:35:06
Cerberus.Baroka Montrer Score: -18
U dont need this or Nobles anymore. Just go and turn in teir 1 throphys
2010-12-15 18:53:21
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