The people who are making remarks regarding the amount of gear haste you have before this ("don't wear this unless you have 24% haste gear") are completely oblivious to the following:
- March
- Haste
- Haste Samba
- Hasso
You can calculate the returns of blitz ring using the _total_ amount of haste you get, so gear haste plus all of the above. Compare it then to the amount of hitrate an ACC ring would add.
The reason for this ring's sudden popularity is because of 2 reasons. The belief that the closer to the 25% gear haste cap you are the more effect haste has on your DoT, and the new discovery that 25% haste in gear really doesn't come out to 25% haste in game. You need 26% haste to actually reach the gear haste cap.
That being said, this item is mainly used by Dark Knight's for zerging.
The reason this item sky rocketed in price is because of the haste cap. Before you could hit haste cap easily without much haste gear... but after the magic haste cap, gear became more important than ever. This ring is mostly for zerg situations.
DRK zerg equip doesn't include Rajas, Ulthalum's, nor Sniper's rings. Your choices are +HP rings or Blitz. The correct choice depends entirely on the rest of your gear set.
This is a VERY good ring. Many people that play FFXI have no idea just how good haste is... or ever how haste works. I'm guessing all the people that think this ring is trash also think 100% haste will double you attack speed, well your very wrong. Say you take a weapon for 1,000 delay and have 50% haste you will accualy be swinging with 500 delay, and 66% haste be swinging at 333 delay(three times fasterwith only 66% haste!) Haste in FFXI is more of Delay%- for every point of haste you have, you have just the same amount of Delay%-. This effect also works with Magic and Ninjustu 50% haste will cut the recast time in half.
{Please check it.}