STR+3 DEX+3 makes this powerful for both 1hand and 2hand DDs, and for jobs like THF the +DEX is invaluable for your SA(TA) macro for quite some time.
Peacock Charm / Amulet at 33 is a clear winner for TP gain, but is also far harder to get. Regardless, this is a great piece with a long lifespan, all for a very reasonable pricetag.
This necklace is a real good piece of equipment for any DRK till lvl 59.
After that it would be better to use Royal Guard's Collar because Guillotine doesn't really benefit from the MND -6 ;)
And the STR +3 is not worth the DMG what Guillotine can do with MND +6 as multiplier
Great for casting Physical Blue Magic spells until you can upgrade to Kubira Beads. My advice? Buy one, and augment it, you will always have a use for this until Beads as a Blue Mage.
@antigon you could also lazy out and use this till 60, then get a Chiv Chain :D Chivvy > all for WS (except torques and gorgets, but that's just cheating)
I get amazed at how many crafters will sell these for cheaper and cheaper prices these days. Usually they will stop making them just long enough for the price to get back up, making it worthwhile to sell again. Lately, not the case. Perhaps we are seeing a more permanent trend on lower prices.
This is good for up to level 60ish, then you have plenty of options to switch to +attack/+acc gear for TP builds. But its not a bad idea to hold onto for WS gear swaps.
this neck piece kinda makes me laugh. the str+3 and the dex+3 are great upgrades to any character looking for a great neck piece. the funny part is its 5k >.<