These are also a very nice peice of THF leggings until Homam comes along.
The +14 Attack is good for any job that can equip it, but the +10 Ranged Accuracy is an added bonus for THF, RNG, and COR. This is the sole best leg peice for THF with Ranged Accuracy.
As Said Below, The Only downside is being pantsless when running from point A to Point B.
So yea, if you have them, equip you´re crimson/blood Cuisses when pulling (Both RNG and COR can wear). then re-equip this in you´re standerd Ranged Attack macro.
Also good for SAM/RNG for better range accuracy so that Sidewinder is a bit more accurate. This would be a perfect set with Kirin Osode, Seiryu Kote, Dusk Trousers, Hachiryu Sune-Ate