Best item for DRG's Healing breath set. For example you can use Full HP equip set with AF head to push your HP high enough so that you can force HEaling Breath at a lower %. Then quickly swap in Relic Head and full Pet HP gear in to get the most potent breath possible.
For an example my DRG/BLU elvaan has 1902 HP total without food so I can force Healing Breath @ 950hp.
It can be used for HP builds, like tanking, by jobs without Valor Surcoat, etc. It's just not the smartest piece to Kite with. I'll buy this for Blu tanking, the only other alternative piece, and I'd prefer for full use, would be Crimson/Blood Scale mail, which I won't be seeing for awhile. Highest Def and HP's we can get on this slot from either armor.
Yeah, I don't think it's going to work well for kiting at all...There's that whole movement speed reduction there...With the whole set, I don't imagine that walking will go so well.