I have Helm +1 paired with this body. Compare it with, what most other WARs use on my server (+2 body with Zelus Tiara), you gain +14 STR, +9 attack (29 over 20), and +5 Double Attack while losing 20 Accuracy, which isnt a problem if you have capped Great Axe merits or use food anyways. A worthy alternative.
Odin.JavelinxScore: -2
Hands down the best body for tachi:kaiten/fudo, and potentially for tp on sam (particularly for relics since we have acc on the weapon) as well to hit haste cap if u can get the stp from unkai domaru+2 from somewhere else (which you can)...I wants one so i can /toss byrnie+1 and put twilight mail in storage
"You're an idiot. You need 26% Haste in gear to hit the true haste cap because haste is calculated in fractions. Gaining attack? Bale body has +38. Gaining Accurcy, who the *** cares? You should be hitting capped acc without this."
you sir are apparently an idiot, as you do not appear to know how haste really works, x/1024, some gear is listed as 5% which would be 51~/1024, but really gives 55 or 56/1024, so to be perfectly honest you can have 25% haste gear on, and be over the cap, you just need to find out the actual haste values for w/e gear you are referring to...try looking at BG about the DRK af3+2 body, im sure you'll find the actual haste value
Possibly best body to tp in for drk depending on your setup/weapon. I'd wear this over Bale+2 body to tp in with caladbolg relieving some spots and hoping getting a better hit build /sam. Haste and accuracy (using a a different ammo piece i'd gain 6 accuracy) and attack and even great sword skill > bale body for tping in. I'd go to 24% though in haste. But I can always make that 1% up with a blitz ring. Instead of using white tathlum and hoard ring. Which then that would free up my ammo piece for some other stats. But that all depends on what this sphere thing is.