I really like this piece for tanking on MNK. Its not tops as far as solid DD (AF3 +2 yes, please). But the added evasion and accuracy (manifested in Counter rate) really add a lot to survivability.
I think Karbuncle and other THFs out there would agree. This would be a very welcome addition to the arsenal for a Thief that likes to stack Evasion and Subtle Blow. Also, Thief tends to be starved for Str, so +5 is very sexy.
This is absolutely perfect for EVA Tanking. Sure It misses out on 1 EVA from SH+1, but at the same time you get the almighty Subtle Blow. Cause theres more to EVA tanking than dodging hits, its also about minimizing dangerous TP moves from getting off. one to many wrong TP moves could end your soloing.
Now, the HQ and NQ have the same Stats outside of the following:
NQ has VIT-6(or 8?)
HQ has STR+5
The NQ has Critical hit Damage +2.5%, if the HQ has at least 4.0, its better than Loki's for MNK weaponskills due to the STR+6 and (In terms of Victory Smite perhaps) Acc+11.
If the Critical Hit Damage bonus is +4% or +5%, Its the best WS body for Ascetics/Victory Smite If i remember right... I don't know about the other jobs.