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Commentaires (14)
Gilgamesh.Tubby[Report] Score: 11
Neonracer said:
"First thing that comes to my mind is ...Samurai..."

Really? MONKS at the Shaolin Monastery in Henan Province, China were responsible for Shaolin Kung Fu. Samurai were not only Japanese, but also simply military nobility. Kenjutsu, or swordplay, was their primary martial art.

About the biggest thing Shoalin and Samurai have in common is the fact they're both Asian. One could say they have Buddhism in common, which might make some Samurai Monks as well, but Shaolin was Chan Buddhist while most Samurai were either Zen Buddhist or not at all.
2010-08-16 19:34:18
Hades.Eliane[Report] Score: 9
Drops from Ovni in Abyssea-La Thiene
2010-08-21 15:02:29
Bahamut.Shinsaki[Report] Score: 7
Actually, this piece could be amazing, provided the "enhance" effect adds another tier of the trait. Pup gets three traits naturally, meaning base h2h delay of 360. (480->400, -20, -20) currently they have four items that reduce delay: neck piece, this, kenkonken, and kenkonken version II (level 80) this would mean -80 delay. There is NO comparison to any of the haste belts. any of them. Bullwhip belt: Haste +7%, = -25 delay. This is a fantastic addition to pup's arsenal.
2010-07-02 14:09:51
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 3
Should probably let everyone know.

Tests on BG Show this to be -10delay, not -20.

meaning: Its entirely worthless in terms of the Masters DPS even behind Swift Belt unless you're receiving haste buffs from magic, but useful if you're giving your pet a Haste build.

Sorry pups =(
2010-08-24 18:58:10
Ramuh.Mizuharu[Report] Score: 1

Someone on BG did testing for both Cirque Necklace and Shaolin belt. It seems that each only removes 10 delay, rather than 20each. Therefore, both = 1 MA tier. /sigh...
2010-08-25 21:20:42
Siren.Danita[Report] Score: 1
Due to the Adoulin gear out now, the best monk TP waist is Windbuffet > Shaolin > Twilight. (This is only ~1% worse than Windbuffet, and infinitely easier to obtain.)
2013-08-14 00:47:49
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 0
Umm... no, this is not what we meant when we said we wanted a new 'belt' for MNK.
2010-10-26 19:23:16
Fenrir.Mnakal[Report] Score: -1
Gilgamesh.Tubby: "...Shaolin was Chan Buddhist while most Samurai were either Zen Buddhist or not at all."

Zen and Chan are the same type of Buddhism, it's just a different word in Japanese.
2010-08-23 19:34:24
Phoenix.Raijitsu[Report] Score: -5
Actually, if you do the math with a weapon instead of just base delay, you will see that this belt is =4% haste and <5% haste.

360 + 61 (fire taipan/ pretty average wpn dly)
= 421 Dly

->22% haste = 328.38 Dly
->18% haste + shaolin = 328.82
->17% haste + shaolin&cirque = 316.23

With Bard:
-> 62% haste = 159.98
-> 58% + shaolin = 168.42
-> 57% + shaolin&cirque = 163.83

So with a bard, haste > MA
Without a bard, shaolin is only good with a cirque, on its own its worse (marginally)
2010-08-23 10:44:21
Asura.Goldie Montrer Score: -10
Where do I get this????
2010-08-15 19:04:08
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