It's a double moral to even write this comment, but Jackie..
No matter what item I'm looking at I see your lame and useless comments.
Please, keep your wet dreams for yourself and post something useful.
Not neccessarily the end of the moldy, Novio is still expensive and not everyone will have it, if this is any easier to obtain it could be a Moldy + this combo until you can nab a Novio.
Only reason you'd sell a Novio when you get this is to pick up gil but If you're just going for pimp you're gonna keep that novio and toss the moldy old earring.
This is amazing for any magical application, not just nuking on BLM.
SCH can nuke, many jobs get Elemental Weaponskills, that geared for properly (such as Sanguine Blade) are a force to be reckoned with. Can also be used for Ninjutsu, aswell as Blue Magic and Quick Draw.
Hmmm... there's lots of obvious blm application here but very little elsewhere.
Obviously it's a great Corsair earring too.
But.. i personally don't believe SE introduced this for BLM/RDM/COR.
I believe this earring was introduced to augment the new weaponskills (75+) which many have MAB+ modifiers and some jobs were perhaps lacking in the gear
to achieve good numbers.
BLMs, RDMs, and SCHs everywhere let out a collective orgasmic moan. Depending on difficulty to obtain, this earring seems to be the wet dream nuking mages have been hoping for since AV's gear was added.