Well... these are just pure win for DD's.
Samurai especially, single hit STR only modded weaponskills, perhaps even great for a Wheeling Thrust build to close lights.
Also as in interesting side note - These are quite high elemental resists for an earring, a pair of these would boast +32 Fire and Ice, perhaps usage for endgame PLDs maybe?
Basically, Uber ws earrings, would probably still use brutal/bush for tp on sam and swap around depending on Stp setup, but please never swap this in for bushi, bushi has GK skill which in itself converts to att/acc.
Totally worth it for BLU, seeing as all of the higher level physical spells are modified by STR (minus Benthic Typhoon). It's only 600k now anyway, that's like 3 good abby parties worth of cruor.