I think this will replace Rajas for an Epona THF, Inside Abyssea.
Using Abyssea as an exmaple, fSTR is almost always capped or close to cap, same for dDEX, Making both of those a little less useful, So you have Store TP+5, and Subtle Blow +5, both good stats, Store TP has a small effect on THF due to their low natural TP gain, But its still there, thought not very significant.
Also, As most THFs can obtain about 35% Triple Attack, with some effort! with:
Natural+merit (10%)
Apoc Atma (15%)
Triplua (3%)
+2 Head (3%)
Eponas R (3%)
(Raid Er)(1%)
Thats 1/3 hits that Triple Attack, so you don't have to be a math wizz to see how that, Inside Abyssea, Would beat Rajas. Making Demonry/Epona's the best combo for THF.
Theres also Oneiros' Ring to consider though, Which is Triple Attack +2%. Both great rings. This one is however worth the price tag to a THF for sure.
This is actually a good piece for Assassin's Charge, but not because it's a bad TP piece. Most THFs use Epona's Ring in their WS sets, but if you're using Assassin's Charge then it's pretty redundant. This is a great piece to use over it, instead.
I tried killing mobs outside bastok for 4-5 hours using Charge w/e it was up and havent seen even one damage above expected max pDIF for normal and critical hits :/ Maybe it is 1% and I was unlucky.
i believe if u have the gil to spare, u can have both rings, oneiros ring for tp if u can trigger latent and this for WS, is just me, u can rate down if u like, but i think will be great have both rings at hand at least for thf.
Popped Baron Avnas last night three times to finish three Arch dynamis lord pop sets. Got rings on each pop. Congratulations Devilsknight, Grannie, Budweiser!!