Drops off Yilbegan, the level 4 VNM added in the March 2010 Update. This is currently the Hardest NM of the new group, so expect to require a lot of people/time to pop it.
Don't be stupid and try to debunk what's already been established. You obviously have to have shadows on to see whether or not the enemy has a shadow. Nothing has a shadow in that video.
Well at least this thing is r/ex so you can't double up on it. I have a snow ring with mab + 1 on it, so this ring will go great with that for nuke potency...
Goldsmithers definitely aren't going to be happy, but it's not going to kill the snow ring COMPLETELY since there's still those after the lucky augments. And once the level cap is raised there's probably going to be a +6 int ring you can craft, and probably augment.
Regardless, this better be nigh impossible to get lol...
@ Nalien: If you were talking to me, I play SCH, not BLM. Sorc ring is 100% useless to me considering I can't wear it.