4 VIT = like 2 MND so maybe a little but not that much. Besides once you change into your actual curing neck piece be it Fylgja Torque or a MND+ neck piece those pieces will take effect over the -VIT on this.
Would be super boss with Cure Clogs. Macro these and the feet in with all your other fast cast gear then macro in your healing gear midcast for a super fast cure! woo!
This item paired with cure clogs, AF3 legs +1 and capped cure cast time merits puts cast time at -53%. I'm not sure if this has a cap but if it does it's most likely -50%.
Also, any -stats don't mean much, gear like this should not be used for final cure set. It's used for .8sec at start of cure to gain it's effects than can be switched to +MND gear or potency.
-4 Vit I guarentee no matter what anyone says you will not notice a difference in your cures. Exspecially at Level 80 WHM, And evem if you do notice the 1HP difference the -10% Spellcasting Definetlly makes up for it
Whhhyyyyyyyyy??? No one should ever need to use this. If you're a competent WHM, you'll /sch and have 5/5 Cure cast time merits which instantly puts you at -30% cast time. Add in Orison legs+2 (which aren't hard to get) and you're at -42% casting time. Using this piece puts you over the 50% cast time cap.
Even if this does put you slightly over cap just to save some inventory space, you would still want to carry around other Fast Cast pieces, as WHM is nowhere near cap on any spells outside Healing Magic.