If you don't need the accuracy from Chiv Chain, a Sea torque, PCC, AT, whatever you had here before... this wins easily for TP. Emphasis on the if, but bear in mind any trades from attack to accuracy you might be able to make to accommodate this piece. Nice for Utsusemi and the like as well.
Aryden: MNKs get 25% Haste in gear, but due to rounding it's actually a fraction (~0.6%) below the true gear Haste cap. Thus, this piece allows MNK to truly cap gear Haste.
Just as a general observation, if your accuracy is above your target's evasion, this will provide you with 1% Haste in exchange for ~2-5% Hit Rate, depending on what you had in your neckslot before.
In my opinion, swapping out Chivalrous Chain for this *should* be pretty painless, unless you happen to have low accuracy/combat skill. Ditching PCC/PCA, AT or a Sea Torque, on the other hand, is a bit less clear, though most likely feasible with gear/food/buffs to accuracy.
I think Faith Torque won't bump up your base damage by 1 if you have capped H2H skill on MNK. Base H2H damage = H2Hskill x .11 then +3. So 292x.11=32.12+3=35.12 which I think gets truncated to just 35 and Faith Torque would be 299x.11=32.89+3=35.89 which also would get truncated to 35 iirc. Does anyone else know one way or the other?
Blu could and should (as long as the price is decent) sport this easy. Normally most well geared blus are tping in way more then enough acc mostly cause there good haste/refresh gear and acc bonus trait and higher dex from spells set, and they are eating sushi cause there spell sets have much less acc in them
This is basically only useful for TPing if you're capped out on accuracy. If you're uncapped, then even 5 acc will beat this if you're under ~63% haste.