Um... I will keep reposting this as long as it's rated down so people do see it. Everyone should begin looking forward, 8 years into the game we should accept "Skill" can at times determine two things yes (i.e. melee skill acc&att, magic skill acc or att AND spell interruption rate), but...
For Juz and anyone else interested.
1 Evasion skill = .9 evasion after 200, just as 1 Combat skill = .9 accuracy after 200.
2AGI = 1 evasion = 1.1 skill, for every 11 evasion skill you get 10 evasion. Same with Dex, acc, and skill. And it goes on for everything (after 200), 2INT = 1 Magic Accuracy = 1.1 skill, etc...
Based on what Morphius said, and how people are always arguing over evasion/raw evasion compared to evasion skill.
From the simple math he did, it shows that evasion skill is just as much important. Hell it is more important. Yes it is, and based on the lv 99 stuff coming out and formula's being changed it will probably be even more.
Morphius, where is the source of your information?
According to you, Evasion > Evasion Skill (Saying that Evasion and Evasion Skill relate to a 11:10 ratio, respectively), though it's been accepted for some time now that the opposite is actually true. Though economics hardly reflect statistical data, you would think that if Evasion > Skill that the prices between Dodge, Evasion, and Elusive Earrings would be vastly different.
Stanflame, his math is implying that you would need 11 points of Evasion Skill to make up 10 points of raw evasion (ie: 1 evasion = 1.1 skill). I think he's saying exactly the opposite of what you think he is.
So if there's been new developments, please point me in their directions