For ninja, Sacrifcing 2% Dual Wield(off a ninja chainmail+1) for 10 Accuracy, 5 str, and 5 agi seems like a good sacrifice to me. Assuming you get Accuracy and dual weild +3% added to this.
Mytoy; you'd be better off making it fully tuned for Quick Draw piece at that point and throwing the MAB +4 on there in addition to the QD recast.
A decent alternative I was thinking about that would cover RNG and COR is Snapshot and R.Acc +10(making it the best TPing piece for RNG); R.ACC and R.ATT *could* make it on par with Osode but what's the point when Osode already exists?
For me I'd rather go with something completely unique than simply mimic an already existing gear so MAB and QD recast it is!
The Pet Acc and Att works on charmed pets as well as jug pets.
This is an amazing body piece for BST. Add in a Herder's Subligar and a Anwig Salade with "Pet Damage taken -10%" and "Pet Haste +5%" and your pets will be an unstoppable force.
My biggest question on this piece for Bst is this. Does the Pet attributes affect only jug pets or charmed pets as well. If it is only jug pets then this is a situational piece at best for Bst. If it does affect charmed Pets look out! That's HOT!
I would think that this would be a great TP'ing piece for RNG with ratt+10 and snapshot +5 (WS Kirin's Osode) and if you don't get a Kirin's it would be great for both TP'ing and WS's because of the nice AGI and STR boost.
For anyone doing nostalgia, this is a decent TP piece for BLU with dual wield +3, can add STP+4/subtle blow or double attack +2, or fast cast +5% as a secondary, any way you go this piece helps bring out the "battle" in battle mage.