All of you talking about adding attack and Double Attack... just get an Askar Korazin. It's the same jobs, but it gives MORE attack, AND store TP +5, AND 12 evasion.
Well what mitch said is true. I was thinking about drg hauby for abit but then I was like screw that. Def going with what Eldevine said and making it better then a Valor body.
Oh come on! This is a true DRK peice!. Magic ATK and Magic acc ftw! Let the tier 2 nukes fly! :O
But on a serious note, love this piece of gear. Sure theres many endgame body peices you can use as DD, but my advise to you is to dedicate this peice to one specific job. Don't just go for bog standard acc/atk, you may as well be wearing a haub. WAR? Why not dual wield and acc, theres rampage accuracy and some TP. PLD? Emnity and fast cast is the most useful/common. Well.. You get my point. Be imaginative & think about how you can use this peice to benefit your job more specifically. Going for an 'all round decent peice' is kinda lazy. Don't rip yourself off by making your money you spent on this expansiion a waste for an average body peice. Make a great one :)
My my, how does one sum in words the value of a customizable piece of armor… Ah lets focus on my fellow DRGs. At this time this piece rivals Zahak’s mail in desire and reward. The fact that you can select your upgrades gives it the ability to fit your unique style of play.
Of course there’s the obvious DRG Hauby build. Acc10 Att10. You can not go wrong with this lovely boost.
Then there’s the TP build Acc10 STP4 SB4. If your WS oriented this would be the ideal choice for you, compliment this with a Zahak’s Mail macro for that WS and you will be not only racking in the TP at a alarming rate, but putting out the heat like a Mithra in a summer Jacuzzi! Alternately you could use Double att2% to increase the chances of your putting a flourish on the mob!
There’s also the heavy hitter option; ATT10 Crit3% this will bring a great increase in your hit to hit damage output not to mention a nice little boost to those critical appearances. Great for short term fights like c
It's funny I've tested this with "Free Askar" stats vs a real Askar. The Askar always wins out. This is a piece to do something different with. Cloning other armor is being lazy. I earned my Askar. I don't need a clone of it.
Well, i really dont get why people are making this great piece into a guetto Haub. I mean, sure, u can have the same stats as a NQ Haub, if not, making it into an Askar Korazin (again another piece that already exists) OR... make it a piece that is UNEXISTANT. I mean, i have a Haubergeon +1, and i still made it a diferent piece, and i use Haub+1 for TP.
My advice is for everyone out there, make into a bodypiece that u dont have any replacement for it.