I wouldn't say this "Is nice if you don't have Aesir". I'd rate this Above Aesir, as Aesir's only other stat is conserve TP, good for... Weaponskills? Shouldn't WS in it anyway.
So While they have the same Attack values, DragonKins secondary bonus is slightly better than Aesir's Useless secondary effect(for TP)
That being said, This Earring is clearly for DRG. as Skarwind Pointed out, WAR/PLD/DRK/BST all get Centaurus Earring for pure attack, and most have other options.
@Kaldras did it ever occur to you that the other jobs might want a high att earring? XD It's actually a very good earring for BST and DRG to pair with Brutal. PLD gets sword skill off Suppa, DRK gets Bale, and WAR gets Ravager's though...