1/146 success!
For those like me who started the quest with low fishing skill(23.5) + gear & advanced support:
I traded all my matsya without gear/support, except the last time when I finally got it. Still pretty sure it shouldn't matter but with SE who knows...
An alleged +25% bonus to the base skillup rate sounds nice, but 125% of piss is still piss, and once you get to the point where you actually start needing bonuses to skillup rate, ie. lv71+ for the main craft you chose, the base skillup rate turns to piss. Instead of wasting gil on buying Matsyas, or wasting your Dwarf Pugils/Drill Calamaries/precious time fishing for them yourself, just buy the cheapest mats for easily-spammable high-level recipes you can find and pretend this absolute waste of an inventory slot doesn't exist.