@Curty Last stand still beats WF on certain mob, even if racc is an issue. You WILL have racc issue in legion on certain mob if you use Thaumas 4/5+ Kudzu Aketon. This body is a very good racc body swap for anyone doesn't have T.abj body HQ/NQ.
Kudzu Aketon beats this for Corsair Last Stand anyhow (assuming rng acu is not an issue which it most likely isnt if you are using last stand instead of wildfire) so the body is really rather useless.
Why would you ever use this body over empyrean for RNG last stand? Proof that caban's enhance velocity shot does increase ranged attack is in the RNG forum. This body is only useful for COR and I don't think I've ever used last stand on COR. It's nice for TPing though.