@Phoenix.Demonjustin. whm SHOULD be capping without cure potency in the hands slot. And be using Healer's Mitts +1. 15 healing magic, and 7mnd. Unless new pieces came out that would make this better.
This may be irrelevant to some, but depending on how these are obtained, it may be a nice way to add to the cure+ percentage for those that still need to phase out Roundel Earring from their set.
When I took over this character from my sister, she still had Roundel. And since I'm not half as good (or a third as serious) with WHM as she was, I never took the time to change it up.
These are nice, but I don't think i'd use them. In most cases i'm more concerned with magic point conservation than actual potency, speaking primarily for out of abyssea related events. Still, these are nice, but i'd say situational and heavily dependent on how the player chooses to gear their white mage.