Coming Back To The Game

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Coming back to the game
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Comickaze
Posts: 1
By Asura.Comickaz 2024-05-14 15:56:22
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Hey guys!

Long time player here who has been gone for a while, who caught up the best he could a few years ago by coming back and transferring to Asura and burning through all my gil via merc services.

I am thinking about a return to the game but was curious to which servers cater more towards Linkshell group events and less solo/merc driven achievement.

I am interested in really leaning in and getting involved now that i have had some time free up for myself.

For those of you who remember me from Leviathan, SHIVA, sylph, etc. HI! I miss you guys!
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 1880
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-05-14 17:15:19
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The modern FFXI experience comes in a few categories:

Everywhere on Asura
Available on Bahamut, maybe Odin, but not as pervasive
Not at all available on any other server AFAIK. If it is available, it's extremely limited

Pickup groups:
Available on Asura, but competitive because lots of people have merc'd out characters and the population means they can be picky
Available, but somewhat limited on Bahamut, possibly Odin (mostly JP AFAIK)
Not at all available on any other server

Linkshell/small group:
Can do it anywhere. More opportunities on the big 3, but also more competition. If you find a group you get along with, the experience will be the exact same on any server.

Caveat: with a smaller player pool, it can be easy to burn bridges and run out of competent people to play with. This can also be a problem if your schedule is off-peak hours. It can also be difficult to find certain equipment/materials on smaller servers, which can be resolved by networking but I'm sure it could be frustrating for some.

Hope this helps; I'm sure you can find what you're looking for on any server, but they each come with their own challenges.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: gavroches
Posts: 54
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-05-14 17:32:02
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Maletaru has a great server recap, nothing to say there, the most important part in my opinion is defining your play time, stay consistent (most of the player base has a very consistent schedule that match their life and do no stray out of it by a min). Finding or making that group might is like TH14. Good luck
Posts: 12
By enderpendragon 2024-05-15 00:05:36
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I have just come back as well. Was on Phoenix for many years, but having trouble finding a new LS. Mostly interested in upgrading my gear and finishing "The Voracious Resurgence". I am on EST, would you recommend Asura?
Posts: 96
By Trillium 2024-05-15 01:31:14
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I think playtime and style matters. I think if you want to be completely carried Bahamut is not the right place. There are some very high quality mercs for things... but you need to do the content to get better at it. Just how it goes. It is a larger server, but people still talk between linkshells, so harder to be "anonymous" about anything. That is either a good or bad thing for you. I like seeing the same people and meet new people and help them out.

Bahamut it feels like anyone logging on is doing something, so unless you catch us, you are probably planning for next time, or joining them in what they are doing. I view it as a longer term good server, but not maybe the best for short term, play 3 months and get all your stuff done. Can be done, and shout groups usually fill up if people have patience. (and by that it isn't even that bad... not nearly as bad as shouting in the 75 era in many cases...).

If you burned through your gil,, my advice is to slow it down and enjoy the game. Try different jobs you've never tried. I'm always amazed that I will go out and pimp out dnc or blu and really enjoy them etc. Also clearing content with people that are friends ends up being so much more fun.

When I came back I waited a year to jump out of my old social shell, and knew many of the people in the other shell by the time I joined. But ya, you do you, if you are having fun, I support anyone helping keep the servers running!
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