Shift In Etiquette?

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Shift in etiquette?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: snojoe
Posts: 160
By Shiva.Snojoe 2014-06-17 12:41:48
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So, when Aby was first around, after the few changes that were made to the chests and everything, it seemed as though it was customary that people who were the designated keyers were "allowed" or permitted to take the augmented gear from Gold chests as long as they put everything else into the treasure pool.

However, I've noticed that over the past few months, that "etiquette" has seemed to disappear, as I've been apart of several parties (full alliances and small parties of 8-10) where the keyers took the augmented stuff in addition to anything else they wanted from Gold chests which, nowadays, can contain Heliodors, Damascene Cloths, etc., without anyone saying anything about it not being fair, no one asking them to not do that, etc.

Has this become the norm, the accepted practice now, that keyers are permitted to do whatever as far as loot goes? Cuz I've even now noticed that keyers will destroy the temp boxes for the cruor, sparse though it may be, before anyone can get the wings or tonics out of it.

Just curious to see if it's different on other servers, or if this has become the norm for partying in Abyssea, and if that's the case, should I start keying more often? lol
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Aladriel
Posts: 148
By Ragnarok.Exavion 2014-06-17 12:48:28
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On Ragnarok i've never once seen anyone take the items other than augmented weapons and often let those disappear for some reason.

Sounds like those guys were taking advantage of being Key-Person. I'd honestly say something before it becomes a trend over there... Ff someone see's another doing that then it will likely signify that its perfectly normal.

That being said, on our server i'm having the problem of no keyers at all, just zombies and one or two people doing everything.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2014-06-17 12:48:49
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This has become common on asura although most of the loot is not worth arguing over if you're just there for xp. Abyssea parties have degenerated a bit from when they first came out. You're lucky if half the alliance has the courtesy to turn on their bots and keep killing things before they afk for hours at a time.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: RobKuz
Posts: 1936
By Siren.Kuz 2014-06-17 12:51:39
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I can't seem to remember a time in my 9 to 10 years of playing FFXI where some form of "etiquette" prevailed in game.
Especially in Abyssea
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Aladriel
Posts: 148
By Ragnarok.Exavion 2014-06-17 12:55:39
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Siren.Kuz said: »
I can't seem to remember a time in my 9 to 10 years of playing FFXI where some form of "etiquette" prevailed in game.
Especially in Abyssea

That's probably because you play on Siren. >.>
Posts: 1030
By SeekerStar 2014-06-17 12:57:39
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So many rude players, in and outside Aby.

I've noticed this as well on Bahamut; I personally don't care much because at least they're keying, and not being one of the 9000 leeches that sit there while I nuke for merits.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: snojoe
Posts: 160
By Shiva.Snojoe 2014-06-17 12:58:36
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Well, if it makes any difference, it's almost always the JP players who are the ones taking everything, and the few times that someone actually HAS spoken up, they've stopped for a little while, but then I'll notice that they start it up again when some people have left and others have replaced them. (It was a JP player who was doing it in a party I'm in now that started this post, but that's not to say that NA/EU players don't do it as well).

I've also noticed that most keyers just run around opening the chests but don't actually check them, leaving them for everyone else to check and loot/pool/destroy, which is nice cuz it then gives everyone a fair shot at it all, but if you're there for XP and don't care about the loot, then naturally, no one's going to say anything.

We have a nice balance of people who want to fight, who want to key, and those who are willing to come and fight if they can bring a bot to leech, and most people are okay with that, so long as the fighting character doesn't *mysteriously* afk for an hour and leech on both, which I'm sure happens on every server.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: snojoe
Posts: 160
By Shiva.Snojoe 2014-06-17 13:02:29
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I should add, personally, I don't care that keyers take the augmented ***; I know I abuse that privilege when I key, because it's one way I make my money. But I never took anything that wasn't augmented unless I asked first, and it wasn't to sell for profit, and wanted to make it fair that everyone gets an equal shot at whatever may drop besides all them, but if it's shifting or has shifted to a position where taking what you want from chests and playing every man for yourself is what's acceptable, akin to how it used to be with 10+ people camping NM spawn points and placeholders, then so be it, and I'm going to play the same game, because it seems like that's the only way to get ahead in this game half the time.

It may be rude, it may be non-etiquette, but the quip that there never was any etiquette in this game is a fair point, so I guess may the best man win.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Squintik
Posts: 127
By Fenrir.Squintik 2014-06-17 13:34:47
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I've noticed the same on Fenrir. It used to be etiquette that anything in gold chests went into the pool, but these days with so many abyssea parties consisting of ~5 keyers, 6+ people AFK, and 2-3 combat-capable people actually killing things, I think etiquette has mostly gone out the window.

I mean, why put things in the pool when so many people have done nothing to deserve a share of the spoils?
Posts: 12823
By Pantafernando 2014-06-17 14:00:13
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I even remember back in time, when i used to duo box in worm party. The mule leveling in /follow and the main as a blm99 destroying all worms, and even them there was always someone stupid saying the mule was "leeching"...

Seems forever since i did worms party. Nowadays i just take turns with mules, and do my own fellcleave party. Sometimes i shout for a keyer, and ive been seeing nice people keying, that even throwed me some cures when i end pulling a bit more mobs than usual.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bukasmith
Posts: 280
By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2014-06-17 14:09:07
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youre not there for that ***though, if you are just key yourself. this is a non issue. if you count on gil coming directly from exp parties of any kind then you should reevaluate your income sources. unless youre there to leech, skill up, or level a low level job WHILE skilling up, then you should be exping in the new areas, solo or not.
By 2014-06-17 14:11:51
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: snojoe
Posts: 160
By Shiva.Snojoe 2014-06-17 14:36:23
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Carbuncle.Bukadan said: »
youre not there for that ***though, if you are just key yourself. this is a non issue. if you count on gil coming directly from exp parties of any kind then you should reevaluate your income sources. unless youre there to leech, skill up, or level a low level job WHILE skilling up, then you should be exping in the new areas, solo or not.

Fenrir.Candlejack said: »
Shiva.Snojoe said: »
I should add, personally, I don't care that keyers take the augmented ***; I know I abuse that privilege when I key, because it's one way I make my money.

Then why should it bother you at all? Stop behaving like a self-entitled dicklet. In truth, unless you have a TH7+ Thf job leveled, or have Thf at lv.49 for subjob TH, solo farming outright sucks. Not that I'm saying there aren't people out there that enjoy farming without TH, but that can indeed take hours to see any return against time put into the effort.

I do exp in new areas, and I do farm normally both on thf main and thf sub. I just go to worm parties / Aby in general to skill-up low level jobs, level them in general, or to get RoE sparks and exp during Gain Experience. However, when I'm there, it's just annoying to see keyers taking ***straight from chests when it's something worthwhile, but leaving the chest or adding the lesser drops to the treasure pool, just because THEY want gil in addition to whatever levels they're getting on xyz job. I am just of the idea that everyone should get a fair crack at ALL the non-augmented drops, not just all me me me, or at least ask if they can take it if it's something they need, that was all I'm saying.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Blizzit
Posts: 58
By Valefor.Blizz 2014-06-17 14:48:00
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This is how i look at it. If i build a abby exp party and you got lucky enough to get in as a keyer. Your job is rough chests are your job if more than 10 chest up or a single chest up for more than 60 sec your *** is kicked i dont need a slow keyer with a endless cycle of merit points and lights needed. Key person afk greater than a 5 min time period also replaced. Leechers have to pay the entire alliance of workers. No more than 7 leechers per alliance. More common of a practice now a days are each dd mage brings 400 keys and you pop your own chests.
By 2014-06-17 14:58:42
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By volkom 2014-06-17 15:03:18
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Valefor.Blizz said: »
each dd mage brings 400 keys and you pop your own chests.
I did this~ just brought a ton of keys and opened and took the loot that dropped from the chest of the monster I killed. and then took the loot from chests that were ignored :S

is that a bad thing?
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