Vana'diel 11FM Pirate Radio Network

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Vana'diel 11FM Pirate Radio Network
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michiiru
Posts: 23
By Phoenix.Kwehh 2013-11-04 07:43:58
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The first airing of V11FM Radio is finally here ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, Dr Kwehh Zinger. I come from a little city called Windurst and I graduated with a PhD from Windurst's PAINUSTERY! I'm here to get you notified on the bonefied updates, so you rest assured this taru is certified.

Today's Hot Topic IS:

The new version update that is slated to occur -today- after the scheduled maintenance, the time is provided thanks to the Server Message as you log in, or /server if you are logged in already.

This update is catering to the long awaited, and much sought for RME update, where your 99 RME weaponry will now be on par with Delve weaponry. This will make them easily relevant again, and will make Alexandrites and currency a viable income for players once more. Keep in mind though, you do NOT have to have an Afterglow to qualify for this upgrade, as anything at level 99 will see an upgrade.

Moving right along, the next set of Adoulin missions is going to be unveiled for us to progress through this story's expansion. What mysteries await!? *GASP*

We are also going to be seeing adjustments for brown caskets dropping more frequently with armor, please make an effort to help restock our lovely auction house to help newer players get gear and we keep the head count decent. After all, without them we will be living in a ghost town. This increase in casket drops will be tested by myself later tonight in Xarcabard due to knowledge of weapons and armor being a good thing to farm, I will post results when I am able to.

EMPYREAN WEAPONSKILLS SHALL SOON BE UNLOCKABLE! That's right children, we will be able to unlock our Empyrean weapon skills after this update, the methods are still a little foggy, but from what the developers have told us about it, we'll be able to take a lvl 90 Empyrean weapon, OR a level 99 Walk of Echoes made weapon and unlock the respective Weapon skill through a process that will soon be revealed. I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm going to be unlocking my very own Jishnu and Wildfire~!

It's now time for the NPC HOT SEEEEAAAAAAAAAAT!!!

*cough cough* Ugh I need a bigger glass of water for moments like that.

Anywho, today's topic concerns a rather snarky individual who complains about being nothing more than a mere guard despite being known as a Mythil Musketeer. That's right everyone, I'm referring to none other than Naji! Seriously Naji, if you have such a problem with your job, why not apply for something else? I heard Brunhilde needs a stock boy. Seriously though, some people would be very happy with that job, just to get them and their moogles off the streets of bastok during the winter months.

But no, Naji likes to complain that he's one of the elite, and to make matters worse, you have Quadav running amok in the Palborough Mines, why not send him in there and let him see what he -could- be doing? I'm not saying send the poor guy on a suicide job, but give him a taste of something and let him make a decision for himself whether or not that safe little spot next to the President's office is just as good as working on the front lines where you could get your head lopped off in mere moments.


Terribly sorry but look at the time, I must be off before the San d'Orian temple knights found out I've infiltrated their city for this morning's special of Vana'diel 11FM Radio. This is Dr. Kwehh Zinger, signing off so take care everybody.

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2013-11-04 08:27:46
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Very well written, Kwehh. Looking forward to future installments!
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