Plenilune Embrace Healing

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Plenilune Embrace Healing
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-07-01 10:04:45
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Bismarck.Dracondria said:
PCC is 1.3m on Bismarck, how is it 3M on Odin?
It's not. It's 1.3M over there too
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: TBMC
Posts: 60
By Diabolos.Obliterate 2010-07-01 10:06:23
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Plenilune Embrace is affected by moon phase, anyone that has fought any gnoles in campaign or otherwise should know this as they are almost invincible in full moon.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2010-07-01 11:40:30
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Diabolos.Obliterate said:
Plenilune Embrace is affected by moon phase, anyone that has fought any gnoles in campaign or otherwise should know this as they are almost invincible in full moon.

Player spells vs. mob spells. Just look at battery charge, our new refresh spell if you need an example, it certainly didn't give the mobs refresh. SE knows what they want us to have and will give it to us regardless of what mobs do with it.

The only solid testing on moonphase I've seen is the effect on the MAB and ATT bonuses.

It might affect the cures but if it does it's minor. I'll try to post some cure numbers in the same set at different times to see if there is a difference.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-07-01 12:13:04
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Ob, Sekundes has it. Just the fact that all the random tests have all confirmed that it's exactly 100HP different that magic fruit confirms that moon phase doesn't effect the cure potency. It certainly effects the attack/matk aspect, but not the cures.

Now that I have the serious post out of the way, and because I think this thread has covered basically everything it needs to, time for my troll:

Kalico, who said anything about replacing Wightslayer with Devil Slayer? Perdu is free, Beast Slayer is free, Erlking's is close enough to free, Soulsaber is free. In fact you used to have an adaman kilij which is a wightslayer but with stats. Why the hell you would ever own that, when a demon slayer is, and has always been very close to the same price (or cheaper), but with the advantage of intimidating blu's bread and butter exp mob, I don't know. Just another sign of your ignorance, and lack of effort to actually understand your job.

And that brings me to the whole point that I'm attacking you. Partly, it's because I just enjoy it since you're such an ***, but it's also to show you how much of a hypocrite you're being towards Cardinal. Yes, your gear is leagues ahead of his, but the premise is exactly the same.
Kalico said:
So if you were interested in really learning the job and playing it well 1M will put you on a average level. IF you not willing to invest atleast 1M into a job then you really shouldn't be playing it. I'm sure every one up will agree with me.

You really think this guy has a handy 1mil lying about? ***, I don't have that much gil. But luckily it's not all about gil, since most of the really good gear is rare/ex. Consider the amount of effort it would take him to get 1mil, or 1mils worth of gear, and put that much effort into your OWN job. You might find it's actually not that hard to replace some of your sub-par gear.

Regarding Hale ring, you missed the point, there's no reason you should be wearing that on blu AT ALL. Regardless of if it's not part of your set-up, it's worthless past level 72. In fact, you can sell it, buy a +4 INT and a +4 MND ring, perform better, and MAKE A PROFIT. So tell me again why you still own it?

I also kinda lol'd at you picking on "G.ring", when equip history shows you as wearing one just this year.

Holy ***, I just realised you actually own/ed a crimson ring. At the time that was scanned, that was probably MORE expensive than flame ring, for 1 less STR. It was ~300k MORE than Ruby ring, for a bonus of +18HP. 300k for 18HP, and you're asking me if 3.5 mil (actually ~1.5) is worth 3acc and 2DEX/VIT.

"Son", you need to get your head checked, I don't think it's screwed on right.

So anyway, if you're wondering why I'm saying "let him do his thing" and then picking holes in your gear, it's because he has pulled the elite *** card and randomly started calling anyone a gimp. As has been said, there are much, MUCH nicer ways to offer advice than to call someone a gimp and tell them to delevel their job to level 1 because they're an embarrassment to the rest of us. Frankly, you are the only embarrassment here, as I said before, because you actually have the means and the ways to improve your gear, but you're too stupid to.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Virtuosus
Posts: 683
By Carbuncle.Virtuosus 2010-07-01 12:32:50
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Asura.Ewhenn said:
There are other ways of giving "advice" then straight up calling someone gimp however,

This. Sure, he's gearing incorrectly. Do you have to be a total douche about it? No. You can offer him well thought out suggestions, instead of swinging your e-peen around, missing everybody because it's actuall very small considering your gear is also mediocre. And by mediocre I don't mean OMG HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BEST GEAR POSSIBLE. I mean mediocre by poor gear choices, as Blazza pointed out.

Seriously, headlong belt and spectacles? The belt would be okay if *** swift wasn't soloable by now. And Wightslayer screams out "I'm a cheap piece of ***who is going to put down players who may not have as much time/knowledge as me to gear out their job correctly."

I also took the liberty of taking a look at your merits, and I can point out even more stupid things. 1 STR, 1 DEX. Somebody is lazy, loldex merits really? Enhancing merits, REALLY? RDM Category 2: Dia III (1 merit), Bio III (1 merit), Slow II (1 merit), Paralyze II( 1 merit), Phalanx II (1 merit), Blind II (1 merit)...that's got to be the most HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE waste of merits I've ever seen.

On the topic of Cardinalgate's gear:

Work on a Beast Slayer, it's off tier 1 ZNM Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, quite an easy fight and it's lowmannable, I myself usually solo it on RDM or duo it RDM BLU, but you might need a few more, BLMs work wonders with him. Until then, Ifrit's Blade is okay temporary.

Smart Grenade is off a very easy quest, and free, and offers attack+4, continue using bibiki seashell for cannonball though.

Scorpion Harness, Dusk Gloves, Dusk Ledelsens are great easy to get pieces of TP gear, and they work wonders, and are only 1% less haste than homam (feet), and the accuracy loss isn't too much of an issue since BLUs usually eat sushi anyway. Just going to require some work on your part by farming up some gil or doing BC/KS/ISNMs. Amemet Mantle +1 is another thing to look at.

Sniper's Rings are pretty cheap now as well, and you can use Ecphoria/Sniper's until you can get them both Sniper's, or you can go Sniper's/Rajas for now, especially since CoP is uncapped now it's very easy to get. Get sea, get your spells, and you're going to love BLU that much more!

Suppanomimi...what can I say, this thing is amazing, but it isn't easy for everybody to get. Use a temporary earring here, coral or merman's, spike earring, or a diabolos's earring, whatever works. Just keep in mind that Suppa will never be trumped. When you get sea, work on getting a brutal earring as well, you can get the abc's little by little with a limbus shell, or farm the gil for them.

Swift Belt, this things another amazing piece. Feel free to get a headlong belt temporary (easy drop rate off of Chonchon in Meriphitaud (present time)), swift is now soloable, and farming the codex is quite easy in Phomiuna.

And last but not least, the gift SE has given us, Aurore Brais, which are easy as *** to get, and better than Homam! If you don't have abyssea, I guess you should work on Homam, ASA legs, or AF2 legs, but if you do, I'm assuming you'll have friends who are willing to farm there with you, and 3,000 cruour is quite easy to come by.

I hope my suggestions work out for you, and hopefully you don't take them offensively.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-07-01 12:35:55
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/yawn gtfo keep making excuses for him lol what ever...I have a g.ring but do you see me wearing it on blu...hale ring is used when curing just something i had laying around and fyi crimson ring was given to me by a friend who quit...any way i'm done keep defending your gimp *** friend if ya want...and to the *** head Virtu I don't update merits rdm ***been switched up a lil but keep *** riding with blazz if you want...8D
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-07-01 12:48:36
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Thanks Virtuosus, you reminded me that I totally forgot to laugh at Kalico's merit choices :D

But seriously, good post and some solid advice for newby 75 blu.

Speaking of merits, Cardinal I notice you don't have many. Usually I would suggest working on sword and blue magic skill merits as a priority (level them both up evenly, they're both about as important as each other), but with the level cap increase, it's now actually better to just make your way up to level 80. If you consider that 30k exp gets your first two merits in either sword or skill, for a total of +4 skill in either one, and then another 30k exp for every 2 points of skill after that, it become obvious that getting 45k exp to level up instead is much better, as it actually gets you 5 points in both sword AND blue magic skill (and evasion, parrying if you can EVER cap it and lolclub).

tl:dr; version, don't touch merits now until you hit level 80, then work on sword/blue skill > group one (I'd suggest physical potency and magical accuracy, but it's personal preference) > group 2 > MP > crit hit rate > STR
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-07-01 12:50:15
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Odin.Kalico said:
/yawn gtfo keep making excuses for him lol what ever...I have a g.ring but do you see me wearing it on blu...hale ring is used when curing just something i had laying around and fyi crimson ring was given to me by a friend who quit...any way i'm done keep defending your gimp *** friend if ya want...and to the *** head Virtu I don't update merits rdm ***been switched up a lil but keep *** riding with blazz if you want...8D
You missed the point again, I'll be short and concise this time.

It has nothing to do with defending Cardinal. It has everything to do with you being an ***-hole, and making stupid gear choices.
By 2010-07-01 13:35:43
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Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2010-07-01 14:38:32
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Odin.Blazza said:
Thanks Virtuosus, you reminded me that I totally forgot to laugh at Kalico's merit choices :D

But seriously, good post and some solid advice for newby 75 blu.

Speaking of merits, Cardinal I notice you don't have many. Usually I would suggest working on sword and blue magic skill merits as a priority (level them both up evenly, they're both about as important as each other), but with the level cap increase, it's now actually better to just make your way up to level 80. If you consider that 30k exp gets your first two merits in either sword or skill, for a total of 4 skill in either one, and then another 30k exp for every 2 points of skill after that, it become obvious that getting 45k exp to level up instead is much better, as it actually gets you 5 points in both sword AND blue magic skill (and evasion, parrying if you can EVER cap it and lolclub).

tl:dr; version, don't touch merits now until you hit level 80, then work on sword/blue skill > group one (I'd suggest physical potency and magical accuracy, but it's personal preference) > group 2 > MP > crit hit rate > STR

yeah i been meaning to get back t5o merits but i set my priority to getting sea(done) and upgrading my gear(WiP)

lol Beast slayer the last time i tried to kill that T1ZNM my group got stupid and we all wiped but il be making another crack at it once i get Enough Zeni
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-07-01 15:09:15
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Why does everyone get called a *** rider?

*** off, I hate you, I hate everyone, everyone should die.
Clearly agreeing with somebody means you're all the way down on their *** 24/7.
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate said:
lol Beast slayer the last time i tried to kill that T1ZNM my group got stupid and we all wiped but il be making another crack at it once i get Enough Zeni
How did you guys approach the fight? A few nukers make short work of him, the only groups I've seen struggle were the ones who underestimated his bombs (or tried to blood tank it...).
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2010-07-01 16:57:02
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Senior Gold Musketeer's Scimitar is a cheap, easy to get replacement for Ifrit's Blade.

Smart Grenade is easy as hell to get.

W.Turban is a staple piece for every 75 job.

Chiv Chain is relatively cheap, can do assaults for it, and spanks lolkalico's spectacles.

Spike Earrings are dirt cheap and easy to get. Ideally Suppa and brutal should be your ultimate goals, but not everyone has a Suppa (I personally have an Abyssal for Apoc DRK). Aesir Ear Pendent and Ethereal are also things to look into.

Scorpion Harness, Assault Jerkin, Cobra Unit Harness, Enkidu Harness, and Mirage Jubbah, are all either cheap or relatively easy to obtain pieces.

Hands you can go with RSE, Battle Gloves, Tarasque Mitts (+1), Dusk, or Homam. Enkidu's are easy to go for as tier 1 and 2 ZNMs for their path are easily RDM soloable and RDM/BLU Duoable. Tarasque are like 10k for NQ, at least use those.

Rings these days are pretty cheap. Sniper's/Woodsman x2 is all I have to say here.

Back Piece: Amemet+1 or GTFO.

Swift belt is soloable now by just about any 75 job, no excuse not to go out and get one these days. Get a life belt too, it's cheap.

Republic Subligar is best for BLU for a while but there are some lines I just won't cross. Can get away with RSE/AF till the dirt cheap Vendor's slops, then work on Dusk/Homam/Aurore/ASA.

Feet: Bounding Boots, RSE, Cobra, Homam, Dusk, Enkidu's, Aurore's etc.

Sorry not too coherent, my attention is elsewhere atm.

Again, I already post ***like this elsewhere for ls members that level BLU.

Just haven't done anything with it since 80 cap.
By 2010-07-01 17:05:55
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Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-07-01 17:11:36
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Remora.Brain said:
Scorpion Harness, Assault Jerkin, Cobra Unit Harness, Enkidu Harness, and Mirage Jubbah, are all either cheap or relatively easy to obtain pieces.

Did you just recommend the Assault Jerkin? WTF?

Enkidu Harness relatively easy to obtain? Well, spank my *** and call me sally! Someone toss one of those easy Enkidu bodies at me!
*spanks ****
take that! Sally.
*tosses enkidu body*
also, not directed at your post.
LOL@ anything that Kalico has to say ever.
Guy's a joke.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-07-01 17:16:08
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Remora.Brain said:
Scorpion Harness, Assault Jerkin, Cobra Unit Harness, Enkidu Harness, and Mirage Jubbah, are all either cheap or relatively easy to obtain pieces.

Did you just recommend the Assault Jerkin? WTF?

Enkidu Harness relatively easy to obtain? Well, spank my *** and call me sally! Someone toss one of those easy Enkidu bodies at me!
BLU is a sushi/pizza job with relatively high acc, Assault Jerkin isn't the best but it beats the piss out of TPing in AF body. Enkidu body isn't too horrible either, Mamool path is very popular due to certain T3 drops and it's also the least difficult path T1-T3 so the only "hard" part is Tinnin. If it's really that much of a cockblock, Aurore Doublet is a better TP piece in comparison to Enkidu and slightly weaker as a WS body.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2010-07-01 17:47:21
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Why does everyone get called a *** rider?

*** off, I hate you, I hate everyone, everyone should die.
Clearly agreeing with somebody means you're all the way down on their *** 24/7.
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate said:
lol Beast slayer the last time i tried to kill that T1ZNM my group got stupid and we all wiped but il be making another crack at it once i get Enough Zeni
How did you guys approach the fight? A few nukers make short work of him, the only groups I've seen struggle were the ones who underestimated his bombs (or tried to blood tank it...).
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Why does everyone get called a *** rider?

*** off, I hate you, I hate everyone, everyone should die.
Clearly agreeing with somebody means you're all the way down on their *** 24/7.
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate said:
lol Beast slayer the last time i tried to kill that T1ZNM my group got stupid and we all wiped but il be making another crack at it once i get Enough Zeni
How did you guys approach the fight? A few nukers make short work of him, the only groups I've seen struggle were the ones who underestimated his bombs (or tried to blood tank it...).

man i cant remember to tell you the truth
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2010-07-01 18:04:03
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Remora.Brain said:
Scorpion Harness, Assault Jerkin, Cobra Unit Harness, Enkidu Harness, and Mirage Jubbah, are all either cheap or relatively easy to obtain pieces.

Did you just recommend the Assault Jerkin? WTF?

Enkidu Harness relatively easy to obtain? Well, spank my *** and call me sally! Someone toss one of those easy Enkidu bodies at me!

Assault jerkin beats the hell out of AF body and is free, so you can't complain about cost. Also, if you're eating sushi and just decently geared/not overcamping, the Assault Jerkin should beat the hell out of something like SH.

Enkidu's Harness is a mildly common drop off of the easiest of the Tier4 VNMs. Tinnin is easier to farm up with the tier 1 and 2 being almost laughable solos. Top it all off with the fact that all tier 3s had highly desirable pieces of armor:

AG: Aurum Sabatons, Tomoe, Oracle's.

Gotoh: Naglering and Enkidu's.

Dea: Enkidu's and Oracle's.

Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2010-07-01 19:33:43
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Why does everyone get called a *** rider?

*** off, I hate you, I hate everyone, everyone should die.
Clearly agreeing with somebody means you're all the way down on their *** 24/7.
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate said:
lol Beast slayer the last time i tried to kill that T1ZNM my group got stupid and we all wiped but il be making another crack at it once i get Enough Zeni
How did you guys approach the fight? A few nukers make short work of him, the only groups I've seen struggle were the ones who underestimated his bombs (or tried to blood tank it...).

man i cant remember to tell you the truth[/quote]
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-07-01 19:45:48
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Cheesy is super easy. I've killed him with random blm duos just for fun. Sad part was we went 2/2 but only me and some random person we had with us for the swd had blu and I already had it.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Sindri
Posts: 1255
By Shiva.Khimaira 2010-07-01 22:33:33
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Hades.Stefanos said:
My experiences with that spell is that I get varied results, sometimes I get 450 cures, sometimes I get 500 as /NIN, so I'm pretty sure the moon phase also has something to do with it.

In my experience it doesn't seem to be based on Moon Phase, because it varies too frequently. What I've seen to be more possible is time of day. No I haven't read the rest of this thread, so it may have been mentioned already, but I usually jump from High 300's to mid 400's after 20:00, though this could be due to unknown factors that I haven't taken the time to test properly.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zeosilot
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Zeosilot 2010-07-01 23:14:37
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Shiva.Khimaira said:
Hades.Stefanos said:
My experiences with that spell is that I get varied results, sometimes I get 450 cures, sometimes I get 500 as /NIN, so I'm pretty sure the moon phase also has something to do with it.

In my experience it doesn't seem to be based on Moon Phase, because it varies too frequently. What I've seen to be more possible is time of day. No I haven't read the rest of this thread, so it may have been mentioned already, but I usually jump from High 300's to mid 400's after 20:00, though this could be due to unknown factors that I haven't taken the time to test properly.

Plenilune Embrace isn't effected by Moon Phase. if you're curing between high 300's and mid 400's it's probably because you're changing your gear and/or spells which is affecting your total amount of Mnd.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zeosilot
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Zeosilot 2010-07-01 23:15:07
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Could be light's day (increase) or dark's day (decrease) also.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Sindri
Posts: 1255
By Shiva.Khimaira 2010-07-01 23:30:55
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Lakshmi.Zeosilot said:
Could be light's day (increase) or dark's day (decrease) also.

I said it wasn't affected by moonphase, but no it wouldn't be based on day because I remember it being Darksday when it jumped from 300s to 400s around 20:00, and I never swap gear for it. I'm sure testing will reveal it's secrets eventually ^^
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zeosilot
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Zeosilot 2010-07-01 23:56:38
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Shiva.Khimaira said:
Lakshmi.Zeosilot said:
Could be light's day (increase) or dark's day (decrease) also.

I said it wasn't affected by moonphase, but no it wouldn't be based on day because I remember it being Darksday when it jumped from 300s to 400s around 20:00, and I never swap gear for it. I'm sure testing will reveal it's secrets eventually ^^

So you did, forgive me, I misread, lol.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-07-02 00:00:16
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Then it's most probably darksday penalties, no other reason you should be getting below 400 even in no MND gear.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: nasamoo
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Akuma 2010-07-02 03:32:51
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well since everyone is talking about others gear plz feel free to look over my sets ignore the dream sets lol and send me a pm. Keep in mind I'm an elvaan and even with sushi I have problems so I've been trying to work on a more dex acc lvl to be safe over sorry.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Grozny
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Grozny 2010-07-02 10:04:49
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There are obvious upgrades you are probably working toward, and you need more gear sets. Other than that I would only suggest dropping Beast slayer from your "If only blu set up" If you are wishing for Kirin's osode / Byakko's Haidate why limit yourself to beast slayer?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-07-02 10:16:25
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lol, Grozny makes a good point. May as well put Tizona II / Hofud in there for your if only set. But yeah, I'm not gonna comment on your builds, because aside from needing more as Grozny mentioned, you look like you know what you're doing. Well, I'd suggest getting a spike or merman's earring for tp instead of minuet until you get whatever. But other than that, yeah, you're on the right track.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: nasamoo
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Akuma 2010-07-02 11:09:28
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well that's good to hear, I was trying to be semi realistic with the "it only" set cause I was pointing out how nice it would be to use "God gear". I mean could you imagine using genbu's kabuto for cannonball O.o
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: zeldageek
Posts: 193
By Quetzalcoatl.Zeldageek 2010-07-03 11:37:05
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Remora.Brain said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Remora.Brain said:
Scorpion Harness, Assault Jerkin, Cobra Unit Harness, Enkidu Harness, and Mirage Jubbah, are all either cheap or relatively easy to obtain pieces.

Did you just recommend the Assault Jerkin? WTF?

Enkidu Harness relatively easy to obtain? Well, spank my *** and call me sally! Someone toss one of those easy Enkidu bodies at me!

Assault jerkin beats the hell out of AF body and is free, so you can't complain about cost. Also, if you're eating sushi and just decently geared/not overcamping, the Assault Jerkin should beat the hell out of something like SH.

Enkidu's Harness is a mildly common drop off of the easiest of the Tier4 VNMs. Tinnin is easier to farm up with the tier 1 and 2 being almost laughable solos. Top it all off with the fact that all tier 3s had highly desirable pieces of armor:

AG: Aurum Sabatons, Tomoe, Oracle's.

Gotoh: Naglering and Enkidu's.

Dea: Enkidu's and Oracle's.

With sea access nearly soloable, you can also look into the nash body, as it isn't really good for many jobs. Best when eating sushi and if you have an already high haste set.

Perdu in main hand, obviously. Stupid item sets.
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